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Integrated Online Application Services Solution

Integrated Online Application Services Solution

Better citizen service. Greater government efficiency


Time-consuming for In Line Service

In the past, the populaces need to get the approval documents ready before they apply for public services, and that means people have to go back and forth between different government agencies to get the required documents, and then bring them back to the desired government agency to continue their application. In case there is any inadequate or shortage of the documents, the populaces then have to go back and forth between the government agencies to apply the documents again. Such an inconvenient way of processing public service, is caused by the unconnected government’s various information systems. Even some government information systems already have online access, for example the “Certificate-free Service System” and “Electronic Household Certificate Service System”, however, they are not connected together. The populaces therefore have to spend a lot of time and money to go to different government agencies waiting in line for applying their services.


Online Service Provides One-stop Service

“The Integrated Online Application Services Solution” is here to solve the above problems. Not only it can provide single service counter to process the populaces’ applications, but also link up with internet authentication service such as Citizen Digital Certificate (MOICA), Business Digital Certificate (MOEACA), and online payment functions, to deliver more convenient and more completed online services for the populaces. In addition, the solution also integrates with Certificate-free Service System for accessing and retrieving data without getting approval documents. Since the populaces can process their services without preparing approval documents in advance, that makes the populaces save a lot of time and trouble for commuting from and between government agencies.

Furthermore, “The Integrated Online Application Services Solution” can also integrate with government agency’s EIP (Enterprise Information Portal) to provide employees and managers easily process and manage the applications by using the unified access point. Moreover, the solution also connects to the existing Official Document System that automatically assigns a case number to each application, and that allows the populaces make inquires easily and the authorities manage and audit the application conveniently.


BPM is the Core

The key factor for providing hundreds of thousands or millions of people simultaneously use the “The Integrated Online Application Services Solution” is AboveE’s Power Process BPM Suite. AboveE’s Power Process BPM Suite has strict access control and high flexibility process, as well as powerful flow engine, so the Online Application Service can operate perfectly even with dozens of various forms and complex flows. Besides, AboveE’s Power Process BPM Suite also has high scalability and integration ability, it can integrate easily with other information systems, such as EIP (Enterprise Information Portal), existing workflow platform and directory services. It provides employees more convenient unified access point for processing works, and streamlines and standardizes the flows. With the combination of high flexibility and automation processes, the “The Integrated Online Application Services Solution” of course greatly enhances the speed of service and improves the performance of government agencies.


Online Service Benefits the Populaces

Take a local government authority* for example, the online application service system’s average monthly usage is around 2,848 cases. Assume the populaces spend 30 minutes to go and back from the government agency for each case, it costs about 85,440 minutes per month, equivalent to 1.424 hours or 178 working days per month. The large cost and time savings from the “The Integrated Online Application Services Solution” is very significant. While other costs, such as transportation expense, gasoline, paper printing costs, etc. can also be substantially reduced. The popularity of the internet, mobile internet, and even phone internet is very convenient in nowadays, the number of online applications can be expected to grow significantly in the future, and a surprising result will be seen on how much time and cost saves for the populaces.
* Statistics Source: the local government authority.
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