Power Process BPM Suite
  Power Process BPM
  Power webForm
  SignFlow for Power Process
  Enterprise Manager
  Portlets for Portal
Power Link
  Power Link On Demand

The Best Electronic Form Solution

Most businesses require the usage of large quantities of forms when executing their business processes. These forms are often tedious, redundant, and easily lost, creating headaches for the applicant and the person approving the request. Aside from being difficult to manage, the designing of forms also have to be coordinated with e-business efforts, resulting in more difficulties. Power webForm includes the following two main modules: Form Manager and Form Editor. It uses JavaScript and HTML as the basis to create the form, resulting in webForm being the best electronic form management tool, enabling businesses to conveniently and automatically collect, transfer, and analyze data, resulting in business processes. Through integrating information, processing, and communication, correct and timely information is provided to assist managers in making better and faster business decisions.


Product Characteristics

  • Powerful form integration features, with include rich field editing capabilities, enabling system administrators to design forms based on different needs and link each field to the appropriate data source, this allows for integration of all forms used by the business.

  • Simple form design mode with a graphical user interface (GUI), enabling system administrators to easily create forms, thereby significantly shortening the time needed in learning to design forms.

  • Electronic approval and tracking mechanism automatically saves the forms as they are being signed and modified, which can be audited at a later date to help avoid fraudulent activities by employees.

  • Multi-language Support. Currently, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and English are supported, which enables subsidiaries around the world to be able to easily put it to use.

  • Data Archive can enable system administrators to periodically archive the data.

  • Management is simplified through Role-based Authorization Management, which clearly defines the role of each individual.

  • Supports Master-Detail form configuration. Has the ability to conduct transactions; this ensures data consistency when Master-Detail forms are modified.

  • Strongly supports XML, enabling data exchanges among businesses and allowing integration of different systems.

  • Distributed form management enables the development of forms that meets the local needs and helps to reduce bandwidth usage.

  • The Tag Library feature allows page designers to conveniently design a standard Tag Library to more effectively manage forms and pages.

Two Main Modules of Power webForm

Power webForm includes two main modules: Form Manager and Form Editor. Form Manager is used to define forms and manage form data, providing query and monitoring changes in form content as well as record approvals. Form Editor is a pure Web based application, allowing design and customization of web-based e-Forms without installation of any plug-ins or programming design. It supports attachments, web based editors, and date selections, which considerably reduces the time required to develop web-based applications.


Form Manager

This provides the management and control of form data. It simplifies query and monitoring activities. Also, it has a built-in task notification feature, assisting users to manage to-do tasks and work progress. The management mode in the all new Form Manager is divided into three levels, enabling businesses to more carefully control access. Users can always check automatic audit trails through the internal form analysis feature to effectively manage and control performance of resources related to internal business processes that can be used to devise business process improvement plans.

  • Access Control

  • Data Management

  • Form Life-cycle Management

  • Document Control

  • Automatic Audit Trail

  • Analysis Report

Form Editor

Form Editor uses web-based design concepts to enable users to directly design and customize the required forms without any programming. Objects such as attachments, editors, and date selectors can be added to the forms during the design process. Dynamic form generation is supported, thus reducing time required in deploying Power Process.

  • Web Based form designer

  • WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get!)

Power webForm provides a comprehensive webForm solution, though the integration of information processes and communication, Power webForm can assist to simplify the business design process, reducing business costs, effectively manage employees, and assist the business in making faster and more accurate decisions.


Power webForm Solution
The new version of Power webForm includes the additional ability to create different access roles, data archive, and distributed form management system, making it more convenient and easy to use. When assisting customers in deploying the BPM system, it can integrate with the best form management tool to enable businesses to conveniently and automatically gather, transfer, and analyze data; resulting in an improved business process, increasing system management performance, and creating new business values.

The all new UI design conveniently allows users to query for form directory locations and other related information.

Power webForm enabling users to have a unified experience accessing and visualizing the system. It also supports multiple languages; users can select the language corresponding to their operating system to provide a user interface with which a user is more familiar.

A Global Management Solution

Power webForm is a webForm solution that integrates XML. Using web-only design concepts, it does not require the use of any plug-ins. Additionally, it can be accessed by users from anywhere in the world through the Internet to fill out forms, execute to-do items, query forms, modify forms, and access the automatic audit trail.


Role-based Authorization Management

The system defines the following administrator roles: Super Admin, Organization Admin, and System Admin. The management interface adjusts to the role held by the user who has logged in. This allows maintenance tasks to be delegated to administrators, while maintaining a centralized control to safeguard the security of the data.


Data Archive

System administrators can configure the system to automatically archive massive amounts of data at regular intervals, including the audit trail and other information. The archive format is in XML format and can be queried, access, or analyzed whenever necessary.


Distributed Form Management

To satisfy the needs of Taiwan-based enterprises that have operations across the Greater China region or global operations, a distributed form manager process and attachment management enables developers to design forms that meet local needs as well as increase the access performance of the forms and attachments while reducing network bandwidth usage and increasing the reliability of data.


Through the SSO (Single Sign-On) mechanism, users can log onto their own workspaces to view to-do items and obtain attachments from Form Managers in different geographical areas.

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