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BPM Authorizational Process Module

The “BPM SignFlow Module” Effectively Meets the Need of Chinese Business Organizations
When businesses are deploying BPM, they often have significant problems with form approval processes when converting it to an electronic format. This is because Chinese business organizations not only have complex rules and regulations, but also have many exceptional situations. These situations often would reflect on the form approval process, with multiple levels of approvals, complex approval rules, and exception principles all combined together to affect the final result. The resulting approval process is often as complex as an IC circuit process that is very difficult to understand and design. In these situations, a custom made approval program is often needed to satisfy the requirements.

Simple to Use Form Design Tools

Product Characteristics

Greatly Simplifies Signing Processes
Most administrative approval processes are delivered in a vertical fashion. They are submitted to different levels of management according to their importance. “BPM SignFlow Module” utilizes the approval control table, when combined with the organization data from the Power Process BPM Suite, it can automatically determine the approval route and level of approval required. Different types of approval processes only require adjustment of the approval control table, users then configure the approval rule option settings. No complex process diagrams are needed. Process design has been simplified like never before.
Simple Alternative Approva
SignFlow makes dynamic alternative approval simple. The user interface for a user would automatically provide options for additional approval, alternative approval, and form withdrawals. The process designer has nothing to worry about.
Convenient Query of Approval Process
Though the use of features within the tool tables, it is possible to query approval process, task items, audit trail records, and users that will process a form later. The user can be better informed to make decisions.
Managers Can Approve In Any Order to Effectively Manage Tasks Done by Subordinates
No additional configuration is required. SignFlow allows users to manage tasks that are to be done by subordinates. By querying “Can be Processed” and “Will be Processed” tasks, the user can use the skip approval feature to approve on behalf of another or preview to-do items.
Extensive Approval Rule Configuration Options and Flexible Approval Settings
SignFlow provides parallel approval, collective approval, multiple roles, and issuance of outgoing messages by a secretary for a user, exceptions list, proxy, gather more opinions before deciding on approval, view approved documents with records and comments, view approval list, and many other features. The system can also calculate the person required for an approval based on predefined rules and can provide a user-defined list. It is convenient and flexible to use; it allows designers to deal with various different requirements.
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