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SignFlow for Power Process
Power Link- RosettaNet Channel Manager

In such a competitive business age, the speed of transferring and gathering information will directly affect the quality of decisions made by businesses and the competitiveness of businesses. Therefore, AboveE is totally focused on developing business process management products. We provide business process management services that can be customized to meet the need of the business. This includes the entire business process and improving the deployment of business processes to transfer the best decision quality as well as to help businesses, managers, system administrations, and user to achieve the highest benefits.





Increase production ability (Increase in Efficiency and Lowering of Costs).

Reduce time between product research & development and market entry.

Costs would not increase significantly relative to the growth of the organization.

Even if foreign operations increase, businesses can still flexibly utilize the centralized data management, ensuring information quality.


Quick response time to changes in environment and decisions.

Use both distributed and centralized management simultaneously.

Increase in manageability.

Effective control of internal processes and analysis of global collaborative operations.

System Administrator

Can adjust accordingly to changes in the needs of the organization.

Effectively integrate multiple systems and applications.

Service Oriented Architecture

Standardized Open Architecture

Applications of Web Services

Decreasing development time and apply existing system settings to satisfy various user form needs.

Simplify system planning and management tasks.

High degree of system stability and portability, with another advantage being cross-platform and cross-system.

Java technology development platform assists in breaking barriers of operating systems.

Powerful ability to manage processes, even for more than 1000K transactions in a complex business process without crashing.


Improve work efficiency.

Can work anywhere with an internet connection as information can be obtained though webForm. Parallel operations are supported.

Increased number of orders processed and back office operations within a given time.

Easy to use system reduces chances of mistakes occurring.

Close working relationship between user and system.

Lower losses due to human error.

Shorten the time needed for new employees to adapt to the environment.


The solutions we provide include:

Customer Relationship and Order Management Process

add new customer approval/creating quotation forms/order management process/member management/customer service process

Production Management Process:

reporting of problems in production site/quality control process/engineering change request/material request/ inventory management

Supply Change Management:

product supply chain management / ECN / ECR / EOP control process / B2B / B2C transaction platform/purchasing process/item control process/inventory management

Human Resource Management Process:

human resource recruitment process/educational training process/leave of absence process/dispatch management/performance review

Product Development Process:

project initiation/design change announcement/product suggestions/schedule management

Sales Management Process

website management/internet sales process/special offers process management/advertising process/marketing event process/roster management

Finance Management Process:

expense application/accounts payable handling/receipt/asset change/budgeting

Request approval/Document Application Process

information lifecycle management/approval process/usage records/document creation, editing, abolishing

Credit Reference/Approval Process:

credit card application/e-Loan,e-Trade/insurance review/company registration application/bidding registration

Control Process:

service center/command center

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