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Business Process Management (BPM) will Integrate BI Applications
CNET Reporter HONG, Mengshuang/Reporting from Taipei 2005/09/12
Domestic business process management solutions venders indicated that the applications of BPM will further strengthen the user self serve features and integrate with business intelligence solutions to improve existing process efficiency.
AboveE, a domestic Business Process Management (BPM) solutions provider, indicated that as domestic enterprises gain a deeper understanding of BPM solution solutions and deploy BPM into inter-department processes, its applications would be used to link front end sales with back end production and manufacturing, allowing existing operation efficiency to be converted into a numerical value so that it can be analyzed by related Business Intelligent (BI) solutions for discoveries that can be used a basis for process improvement.
The additional new business intelligence features can analyze the performance of existing processes and find problems associated with these processes so that they can be improved. Y.T. Lee, Chairman of AboveE, said that BPM will add simple BI features, such as providing users with self customized query formats to conduct further analysis. This feature would be implemented with the collaboration of professional BI venders.
According to analysis by Y.T. Lee, compared to the popularity of BPM products in the European and US markets, the domestic BPM market only gradually started to grow. The main reason is because since 2000 in European and US areas, venders and market research companies have been educating the BPM market with commercial ready products. Therefore enterprises were able to quickly accept the product then compared to domestic enterprises.
But in recent years, the results of educating the BPM market have started to produce results. Most enterprises can understand the difference between BPM and regular Work Flow solutions and attempt to introduce BPM into existing core operation processes. Y.T. Lee further explained that the next step is to optimize the processes that were created. Designs of BPM will add self service features for business users and integrate business intelligence solutions to further gather operation efficiency data from BPM to conduct numerical analysis with its results forming the basis for improving the processes.
He further explained that business process are provided to regular business users and not IT specialist. This is different from existing business processes that are connected to the design of the IT architecture and most adjustments needs to be completed by IT personnel. By providing business users with self serve features, it can let related business process users design the most appropriate and effective process.

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